
       I write about nature, wildlife, travel, backcountry hiking, history, architecture—photography—and wellness.

Writing is my avenue for  exploring topics in which I take notable interest.

       My books and online magazine articles travel the world from the Himalayan Mountains and Base Camp, to the Appalachian Trail, Caribbean exploration, and backcountry hiking/kayaing off the grid, and national parks.  It’s not only the great outdoors and nature that draw my interest, I’m also writing about cities, architecture and culture. Wildlife education and conservation is another emphasis in my writing. 

Supporting international photographers,

I am an active advocate in supporting international photographers.

Many of my articles connect content and excellent photography. Too many wonderful photographers go unnoticed, so being able to credit images that are really above par is very exciting I think for all of us.

My books are available on Amazon and Blurb publications, as published by Photography World, Ltd Co. These particular publications were written by me, with two accompanying guest writers for two specific chapters. As a part of Photography World™, any sales goes back into the publication @ https://photographyworld.org. These books were helped to be made possible by the wonderful photography of numerous contributing photographers.

Current Writing Projects, March-Summer 2019

Bald Eagles project:  I am currently writing a heroic article about the return of Bald Eagles and the country’s efforts to remove them from the Endangered Species List. This has also been evolving as a book, so obviously the book will encompass greater detail about this great bird and its story.

Sugar Brain. What began as a personal journey, is evolving into a growing community of people connecting through interest in and their embrace for—albeit at different levels—changing eating habits from “sugar” to low carbs… and the dramatic LIFE CHANGING effect this is having.